Ice is well underway.
Office Hours for week of October 2nd
10am - 3pm 6pm - 8pm
Office Hours for rest of season
10am - 2pm Monday - Thursday
Out of office hours appointments available - email to book.
League registrations and payments can be made in the office or by phone 250 421 4215.
We will have Pro Shop items available in the Lounge during open hours as well as in Administration office.
The lounge and Banquet Hall are already booked for Fridays and Saturdays in Dec. We have Sundays available for any celebrations.
Our online booking system is now live! You can book and pay for practice ice online.
Here you can find out how to register with the new system.
If you've signed up for leagues they'll be here, if you haven't you'll see a "Find a League" button. Click that one to sign up for leagues. If you get a Page Can't be Found error, then you haven't registered or you haven't logged in. You will have access to the schedule and standings etc for any league (or Competition) you've signed up for.
Be sure to check out the Navigation bar at the top to find some other info about "The Club" and "News" as well. We'll be regularly updating them.